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Happy Email!

Why Email Marketing to a Refined List Is King

The Benefits of Focusing on a Specific Audience for Your Email Marketing Campaigns. Email marketing can be a highly effective way to reach potential customers and drive sales. But, the success of your campaign largely depends on the quality of your email list. While some marketers may be tempted to cast a wide net and send emails to as many…

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Invest In Your Future

Lead Nurturing 101: A Guide to Building Stronger Customer Relationships

As a business owner or marketer, you know that generating leads is only half the battle. The real challenge lies in converting those leads into paying customers. And that's where lead nurturing comes in. Lead nurturing is the process of building relationships with potential customers through targeted, personalized communication. It involves providing valuable content, addressing customer concerns, and guiding prospects…

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Reddit AMA With Sky Cassidy

Our CEO and host of the If You Market podcast, Sky Cassidy, had a great time answering questions on Reddit AMA today. Email Marketing Events Startup marketing Social Stanley Cup (lol)   Hi, I’m Sky Cassidy. I’m a B2B marketer, CEO of a B2B data company and host of a podcast called “If you Market"... (the S**t Out of It…

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